Business Opportunities
Downtown Carlisle Association
Carlisle’s Downtown is the perfect place for your business! Whether you are considering setting up shop along our quaint streets, surrounded by a variety of vibrant businesses, or you’re looking for ways to bring more foot and web traffic to your existing business, the DCA and LoveCarlisle.com can help. Carlisle’s reputation for outstanding businesses, galleries, nightlife, restaurants, breweries and antique shops is continuing to grow exponentially.
If you currently operate a business in downtown Carlisle, you are already a member of the DCA and are eligible for all of our opportunities, including grants, sponsorships and events.
The DCA markets downtown Carlisle as a travel/day trip destination through a variety of networks and platforms including social media, our website directory, email marketing, print ads and publications. We promote downtown Carlisle as an entertainment, dining and shopping destination that shouldn’t be missed.
Our Events Can’t Be Beat
As an organization we bring over 50,000 guests into downtown annually from special events. These guests shop in local stores, eat downtown, and take great experiences home to share the positive assets of Carlisle with their family and friends.
These events include Ice Art Fest, Second Saturday Promotional Events, the Ford & Corvette Parade, Park & Parties, USAWC Welcome Jam, Harvest of the Arts, Molly Pitcher Birthday Bash, Small Business Saturday, Making Spirits Bright Holiday Parade, Holly Jolly Jubilee & Tree Lighting and Hotchee New Year! These events, coupled with the partnerships we have with regional assets such as Carlisle Events, USAWC, USAHEC, Dickinson College, PSDSL ensure that Downtown Carlisle is known and marketed as the place to go when you are in the region.