Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunities
Second Saturday Series Sponsorship
A magnificent opportunity for residents and visitors alike to take part in all the amazing things downtown Carlisle has to offer. Promotion will include Sidewalk Sales and Sweets & Treats. Sponsorship includes event marketing, contests & door prizes during a series of three events during the 2nd Saturdays of May, June & July.
Ford Parade, Park & Party
Carlisle Events hosts the largest all-Ford show in the world the 1st Saturday of June, so we partner with their team to bring hundreds of show field participants on a procession to our beautiful downtown. After the parade, the streets are flooded with spectators as the drivers park to allow an opportunity for an up-close and personal view of their vehicles.
Corvette Parade, Park & Party
Carlisle Events has hosted the most remarkable Corvette show for more than 40 years, so we team up to bring a motorcade of spectacular showpieces to the downtown the last weekend of August. After the parade, the streets are flooded with spectators as the drivers park to allow an opportunity for an up-close and personal view of their vehicles.
Harvest of the Arts
Celebrating the 41st anniversary, this juried show promotes fine artists and craftsmen whose exhibits showcase their vast talents. The festival occurs the 3rd Saturday of September from 10am-5pm, and features on-site demonstrations, live music and a variety of food vendors. There will also be a Kids Alley and a car show that boasts a fine collection of European sport vehicles.
Molly Pitcher Birthday Bash
Join us as we celebrate Carlisle’s most historic icon, Molly Pitcher, as well as the 10th anniversary of the Molly Pitcher Brewing Company. The block party will be held along East South Street the 2nd Saturday of October from 3-9pm, in front of the entrance to the gravesite and the brewery. Entertainment including music, festival food and libations. Vendor opportunities.
Small Business Saturday
This National event promotes 2 of our favorite things: Shopping Small, and Shopping Local... In support of our local merchants, we offer Shop Small tote bags with LoveBucks certificates as an incentive to shop here at home, in downtown Carlisle.
Making Spirits Bright Holiday Parade
What better way to get into the holiday spirit than with a festive holiday parade that celebrates Santa’s arrival to downtown. Co-hosted with Carlisle Parks & Recreation, the parade is held the Thursday that follows Thanksgiving.
Holly Jolly Jubilee
This annual event occurs the first Saturday of December from 3-6pm and features visits and photos with Santa, tons of activities for kids: crafts, caricatures, face-painting, balloon-twisting, and the traditional tree-lighting ceremony.
Hotchee New Year
The details are still in the planning stages, but you’ll want to join us in downtown Carlisle on New Year’s Eve as we drop a large Hotchee Dog to celebrate the end of 2023.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship will always include
- Company branding (name & logo) attached to all event marketing*
- Setup space made available during the event as well as the opportunity to distribute products/coupons to participants
- Logo on our website with a link to your organization’s site
- Name/logo on all printed or digital marketing material, including social media sites
- Full page advertising included in the event program booklet, when applicable
*The Downtown Carlisle Association marketing typically includes
Radio Advertising
We have an ongoing partnership with Red 102.3
Newspaper & Digital Advertising: We partner with the Sentinel to market within a 40-mile radius of downtown Carlisle Poster Distribution to the downtown merchants within the C1 District
Facebook Boosts to a targeted market in addition to the nearly 14,000 Love Carlisle followers
Event Listings on the Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce’s website and email blasts, and on the Your Town Planner newsletter which features local marketing to Carlisle and surrounding communities
Additional Opportunities
Ask about our downtown Business Banners and other beautification & revitalization efforts, including murals, Bloomin’ Carlisle planters and tree well sponsorships.