You can show love for your community and share all that downtown Carlisle has to offer by supporting our non-profit, the Downtown Carlisle Association (DCA).
The DCA focuses on revitalization, beautification, and historic preservation. Our mission is to improve the quality of downtown Carlisle by increasing business, tourism, education, and economic development opportunities.
Each of our signature events are known to put feet on the streets by bringing in thousands of visitors to our downtown each year. We host the Corvette and Ford Parades, as well as the Making Spirits Bright Holiday Parade, Harvest of the Arts festival, Ice Art Fest, Molly Pitcher Birthday Bash and Hotchee New Year among others.
MANY of our events are FREE… but ALL of them are FUN! With your financial support, our events and other activities can be better planned, promoted, and enjoyed by all. What a great way to give back to your community!
Donation To Downtown Carlisle Association
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